Rodney Romano, Esquire
Primary Trainer
Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit Civil Mediator 2000 – present
State and Federal cases
Supreme Court/DRC Qualified Arbitrator
Mediator CM 12628 R
Florida Bar - Admitted 1986 - FBN# 559482
Mediator Qualifications Board, Supreme Court of FL 2009 - 2012
Master at the Bench, Craig S. Barnard American Inn of Court 2012 – 2015
Super Lawyers – Top Rated Dispute Resolution Attorney 2014-2016
Executive Education - Mediating Disputes, December 2012
Member of the Palm Beach County Bar Association
Member of the Palm Beach County Bar Association ADR Committee
Member of the South County Bar Association
Member of the Martin County Bar Association
Rodney has been a full-time circuit civil mediator since 2000. He founded Matrix Mediation in 2006 and works with 14 highly sought after and experienced Circuit Civil mediators. Having conducted more than 7500 circuit civil mediations over more than 24,000 hours, he has a unique breadth of practical experience dealing with real life ethical and practical issues. He served for 10 years on the DRC Mediator Qualifications and Disciplinary Review Board, which oversees the enforcement of Rules for Certified and Court Appointed Mediators. Rodney brings important experience to the table along with the academic side of this training program. He spends most of his time conducting mediations and currently conducts eight to ten circuit civil mediations each week.
Aware that only a small percentage of people who become certified mediators can establish their desired levels of success, Rodney became a primary trainer because he realized that prospective mediators who truly wish to establish successful practices need to learn more than what comes from a book. There is a vast array of negotiating and human dynamics skills that come from experience and exposure to real events as they unfold, and Rodney wants to impart that knowledge. For example, there is business, marketing and client service knowledge that has come from years of trial and error. There are profound subtleties concerning the decision-making process and human dynamics.